Current Rating: 5 stars from 87 reviews* No. #70 of 351 Restaurants in Reading, Berks. UK
*May 2024
Edible Reading Edible Readingis an independent, anonymous reviewer and pays for his/her own meals. We are proud to say that we have made a number of 'best of' features. The 2019 Edible Reading Awards We won in 2 categories: Service of the Year: "Their welcome is always warm but perfectly-judged, not faux-matey, never too much. They seem to know literally everybody who eats in their little café – who they are, what they like, how they’ve been, the comings and goings of their lives." Lunch Venue of the Year: "Yes, on this occasion lunch probably means brunch and yes, Fidget & Bob is out of town which means that for most people, it’s a weekend lunch option. But nevertheless, most of my happiest lunches this year have been at Fidget & Bob.."
"Less Than a Tenner" This feature list the ten great dishes to eat in Reading for less than £10. We make the list with our breakfast star...good ole scrambled eggs. The scrambled eggs has become a very popular. No secret ingredient. Just slow, slow cooking, butter, salt and farm-fresh eggs from Beechwood Farm.
20 Things I Love About Reading (2019) "Sunday morning brunch at Fidget & Bob really is one of my favourite things about living in Reading. I’ve never known anybody scramble golden buttery eggs with as much skill as they do, their bacon is superb and their sausage – a square loaf of sausagemeat baked in the oven and served in delectable slices – is worth the price of admission alone." See feature.
The Best of Reading 2019 "Possibly the most unusual on this list, Fidget & Bob is out in the wilds of Kennet Island and truly is an all-day venue, going effortlessly from a breakfast and brunch cafe during the day to a little restaurant in the evening." See feature.
If you are new to Reading, these lists are a great way to get to know the town. Here is the original review from March 2018.